Donate now for equal access to art, culture and education in San Miguel

Your donation is multiplied by 2 this holiday season

Donate now for equal access to art, culture and education in San Miguel image


raised towards $10,000 goal



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Your donation is multiplied by 2 this holiday season

Your donation is multiplied by 2 this holiday season

Just like you, we believe that culture and education support empowerment and community building. We want equality of chances so that every family in San Miguel can enjoy the pleasure of knowledge, arts, music, books and education.

This holiday season, double your impact.

In November and December, each dollar you give will be multiplied by 2, up to $10,000USD. Take the opportunity to make arts and culture available for everyone in 2024, and give now to la Biblioteca.

Patricio takes part in our Chess Club.

Here is his letter to Santa:

Dear Santa,

I have so many things to tell you.

I've already completed a year in La Biblioteca Chess Club, I can't miss a day!

I'm in fifth grade and my favorite subject is math.

Thanks to the Chess Club I'm less shy and I even get along with adults. Do you believe me if I tell you that I beat them by playing? Hahaha! I hope you see how surprised they are. It's really fun.

This year I have participated in several tournaments. I even had the courage to tell my parents, Ceci and Juan, to take me to one in Celaya. There I faced people from other states and came in seventh place. I couldn't believe it!

Sometimes the competitions are farther away and my parents can't take me, but I know they support me a lot, so I keep practicing. There are even days when I play against up to ten people at once.

My mom says she sees me at the big championships.

Santa, could you support La Biblioteca to continue its programs?

I promise to keep doing all my homework.

Well, I'm saying goodbye, because I don't want to be late for my chess class with Professor Martin.

Thank you, Patricio.

P.S: The Chess Club is part of my life! And you can be too!


Erika takes part in the Digital Inclusion Program at La Biblioteca. She is enrolled in the computer classes for adults.

Here is her testimony:

I signed up for this workshop to better myself.

Prior to enrolling in La Biblioteca’s computer class, I didn’t know how to use the computer which limited my employment options. And I could not afford the high costs of taking classes as they were out of my reach.

One day, I learned about La Biblioteca’s computer course for adults . . . free! Despite my

embarassment for them to know that at the age of 29 I knew nothing about computers, my desire to do things for myself and have better opportunites gave me the courage to enroll.

And without judging, Professor Daniel herrera welcomed me into his workshop and, with much patience, began to teach me.

In less than six months, I am now able to use programs like ‘Paint’ and ‘Word’ applying different options like créate styles, download and insert images, insert figures, justify margins, change text colors, and use different fonts and letter sizes.

This class has changed my daily life. I know how to navigate the internet and even help my

nephews with their homework.

I am now able to proudly apply for work stating, “I’m Erika and I know how to use the computer.”

Thank you for supporting the programs at La Biblioteca! That is where individuals, like myself, find opportunities needed to get ahead.

Very few opportunities for free programs like this exist.

Computer class is part of my life! You can be as well.

This year there is an opportunity to double your donation to La Biblioteca!

Through the end of 2023, your donation will be matched.

Thank you, in advance, for your contribution and for being part of our story.


Sisters Estephani (15 years old) and Maritza (13 years old) belong to the chorus of la Biblioteca.

Here is their story:

"We’ve always loved singing, but 8 years ago, we didn’t know how to begin, and we couldn’t afford music classes. So when we heard about the free chorus classes at la Biblioteca with Maestro Ramiro Granados, we couldn't believe our luck! Finally we would learn how to sing!

Now we study how to control our breath, we train our ear, and we practice vocal techniques. Now we sing in public concerts without fear.

At the chorus of la Biblioteca, we found a community. Our confidence has grown and we believe in ourselves.

If we had to leave it, it would be like leaving our family.

The chorus is part of our lives! And you could take part in it too. Your donation to la Biblioteca allows students like us to access art, culture and education."

"We train twice a week a la Biblioteca"

"We love singing in public concerts"

"Last year we sang at the San Francisco Temple, with the Coro Promúsica"
